Textured Coin Purse Clutch

Beautiful textured purses ideal to carry money or other tiny stuff. These are worked flat and involves no sewing. It also makes a perfect last-minute gift for the wonderful ladies in your lives.



o   Coin Purse: 5” wide × 4” tall

o   Clutch: 12” wide × 6” tall


·        Worsted weight mercerised cotton yarn in 3 colors (60 yds of MC for coin purse and 250 yds for clutch)

o   For Cream purse: MC- Cream, CC1- Lilac, CC2- Mint

o   For Lilac Purse: MC- Lilac, CC1- Cream, CC2- Mint

·       4 mm crochet hook

·       Yarn needle

·       Buttons (size ¾”)

Abbreviations (American terminology):

·       Ch = chain

·       St/s = stitch/es

·       Sc = single crochet

·       Dc = double crochet

·       RS= right side

·       WS= wrong side


·       15 sts by 12 rows = 4” by 4” for both the stitch pattern


·       Ch 1, does not count as a stitch.


Lilac Purse

Row 1 (RS): With MC, ch 35, sc in 2nd ch from the hook and in each ch. (34 sts). Do NOT fasten off MC. (For clutch, ch 63 instead of 35.)

Row 2: With CC1, ch 1, turn, sc in same st as ch-1, *dc in next st, sc in next st*, repeat from * to ** to last st, dc in last st.

(For clutch, work last rows with same color one more time). Fasten off CC1.

Row 3: Repeat last row with CC2.

(For clutch, work last rows with same color one more time). Fasten off CC1.

Row 4-14: Repeat last row with MC. (For clutch, work up to row 36 and then follow the following instructions).

Row 15: ch 1, turn, sc in each st.  

Fasten off MC.  Weave in the ends. Proceed to finishing.

For cream purse pattern, click here.


With WS facing, and the color sdcipes lying vertically, fold the edge up, leaving approx 8-9 sts for the flap.

o   Flip it over and join MC in bottom right corner at fold.

o   Working through both layers, sc in each st across to flap, continue to work sc across flap. Add 3 sc in corner for turning.

o   Sc across the flap, when you reach cendce of the flap, ch 4, continue to work sc across flap adding 3 sc in corner for turning.

o   Work sc across another side, working through both layers.

o   Attach a button to corrospond to the ch-4 loop.

o   Fasten off, weave in ends.

I would love to see your projects. Use tags #JoyOfCreationCrochet and #TexturedcoinPurse or #Texturedclutc

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Check out my other crochets patterns on Ravelry or LoveCrafts


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